Light Rounds, Shadow Grounds

Some time ago I realised that I often find beauty in chaos. By that I mean that I seek to uncover the value and truth in disorder, believing there must be an underlying natural balance in which it would inevitably move to. That even in chaos, the imperfections, the rawness, is reminiscent of an undefinable piece of art, its meaning and purpose to be unravelled, subject to each individual eye.

In chaos, in that very moment, captured in still frame, can later be deconstructed, pulled apart, exposed. Finding that in times of turmoil there will be a sense of strength, determination, some sort of peace, lurking in the shadows, eager to correct the imbalance. The momentary chaos will be but a memory, as time passes like a pendulum swinging from end to end, always conscious of the centre gravity, always knowing it would begin and end in balance.

The memory often filled with deep emotion – pain, sadness, hurt, confusion perhaps. Darkness. But you look at these shadows and realise that shadows can only come from light. Beauty. You can’t escape it.

Remember to look hard enough, in all the madness, in every sadness, because the light, the beauty, is there waiting for its round. It is ok to embrace it, release it, knowing that it will soon pass. Imagine, you, and the universe, are exactly how you’re supposed to be.

Another time this thought occurred to me was during basic Muay Thai training the other day. As I repeatedly punched the Thai pads, I was aware that there were two sides to this. The impact and the blow cushioned by the pads. We were in battle, there was chaos, yet there was a union. A union of opposites. Ok stop. I’m starting to sound a bit like Ashtanga Yoga meets Bruce Lee martial arts philosophy talk..

However hard the battle, our battle scars represent how hard we fight for what we believe in. Of all the battles ever fought, it shows, we fight for and believe in LIFE. Unfortunately conflicting values and beliefs on how best to live and lead our lives create more battles and chaos.. and around and around we go.

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